Sophia Loren - The Epitome of Woman

"I realize many will visit this site because of Sophia's beauty and photographs, but it is my hope that you see beyond her looks and treasure her depth. Sophia represents the epitome of talent, intelligence, and motherhood in a woman. Most importantly... she is a woman with confidence and common sense. I admire and respect her immensely.

In my search for Sophia Loren material, no where have I found reference made to the fact that of all the things Sophia desired out of life, she mostly wanted children. In fact she wanted children so bad, that she put herself at serious risk for the 2 children she has. After suffering painful and near fatal miscarriages, she solicited the help of a doctor, and finally became pregnant. Her pregnancies required her to be in bed for the entire 9 months.

Sophia is a beautiful woman, a most loving mother and a kind spirit. Watching home films of her with her children makes her feel proud. Devotion to her husband and children are paramount to her.

Sophia Loren is the Epitome of Woman."

I found this commentary on the web and I loved it.

Rami E. Cremesti

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