The complete Water Treatment Course is a compilation of 19 modules consisting of unabridged presentations, life lessons, case studies and learning tools to equip the aspiring water treatment professional in their career. The course is based on the 25 years of experience of the author Rami Elias Kremesti in the water treatment field and chemistry.
The course includes:
- Introduction to Water Chemistry and Microbiology
- Introduction to Reverse Osmosis Technology
- Cooling Water Treatment Principles and Practice
- Sewage Water Treatment Principles and Practice Including Membrane Bioreactors (MBR) and Septicity and Odour Problems In Sewage Treatment
- Boiler Water Treatment, Chemical Dosing and Sampling Principles and Practice
- Ozone In Water Treatment
- Ballast Water Treatment for Ships
- Water and Waste Water Treatment for Oil and Gas Industry
- Water Treatment and Monitoring for Aquariums and Fisheries
- Potable Water Treatment Principles and Practice
- The Science of Water Treatment Chemicals
- Plastics Recycling Waste Water Treatment
- Oil Water Separators Principles and Practice
- Advanced Oxidation Processes
- Legionella Management and Control
- Water for Semiconductor Industry
- Landfill Leachate Waste Water Treatment
- Water For Pharma
- Software Used In The Water Treatment Industry
A certificate is issued upon completion of the course and successful passing of a written and oral online examination.
This course is designed and administered by Rami Elias Kremesti M.Sc., CSci, CEnv, CWEM
The total cost of the course is 2000£ payable upon registration.