Mission: Transmutare Substantiarum Basium In Aurum
(UK Trade Mark Number UK00004077049)
“Careful Chemical Analysis/Water Treatability Testing Is Vital for Proper Water Treatment Design and Troubleshooting. I Have Saved Clients Millions By Advising Them How To Simplify Water Treatment Processes and How to Run Them Properly. Some Unscrupulous Suppliers Try To Over Sell Clients Equipment or Chemicals. Some Other Designers Are Not Aware of Their Design Mistakes Because They Lack The Experience. “
Rami Elias Kremesti M.Sc., CSci, CEnv, CWEM
“Mist from Cooling Towers Can Carry Legionella Bacteria. Risk Minimisation requires Proper Water Management Practices According to L8 ACOP. Attention to Scale, Corrosion and Biofouling Is A Very Important Part of The Water Management Plan. Kremesti Environmental Can Be Your Trusted Partner In All Things Water Treatment and Chemistry.”
Rami Elias Kremesti M.Sc., CSci, CEnv, CWEM
“Water Steam Cycle Analysis and Monitoring Is Vital for Minimising Expensive Boiler/Turbine Repairs. Corrosion In Boilers and Silica Carryover Can Destroy Very Expensive Equipment if The Right Chemicals are Not Dosed and Proper Water Quality is Achieved. I Have Worked on Power Stations Worldwide and I Am Experienced In Specifications and Best Practices.”
Rami Elias Kremesti M.Sc., CSci, CEnv, CWEM
“Sewage Treatment Systems Require Expert Design and Operations/Maintenance. Talk to An Expert Otherwise Expect a Stinky Situation. It Makes Me Very Happy to Help my Clients Solve Complex Sewage Treatment Problems. Sewage Treatment Is A Fundamental Pillar to Environmental Pollution Prevention. “
Rami Elias Kremesti M.Sc., CSci, CEnv, CWEM
“Reverse Osmosis Systems Will Foul/Scale Very Quickly Without Proper Pre-Treatment and Expert Operations, Monitoring and Maintenance. Reverse Osmosis Is One of My Greatest Technological Passions. I Tutor An Online RO Course With CIWEM. “
Rami Elias Kremesti M.Sc., CSci, CEnv, CWEM
“Expensive Repairs Totalling Thousands of Pounds Were The Result of Ignoring Water Chemistry On A Closed Cooling Water System in a Prestigious Building In London. These Kind of Pictures from the UK Make Me Very, Very Sad… Cooling Water Treatment Is Simple But Requires Adherence to Best Practices Specified in Standards Created by VGB, VDI, BSRIA and CIBSE. “
Rami Elias Kremesti M.Sc., CSci, CEnv, CWEM
True Story: Lets dose some “Antiscale” for the RO System
“A water treatment contractor in Lebanon procured some anti-scale for a brackish water RO system in a large mall in Beirut. The system worked for a month and failed. My investigation uncovered that a Silica based anti-scalant suitable for steel pipes was used which fouled the RO membranes. When it comes to selecting chemicals for water treatment, you need expert advice… “
Rami Elias Kremesti M.Sc., CSci, CEnv, CWEM
A director at a company I used to work for in the UK that sold water among other water treatment equipment as well as chemicals once told me that he tries to sell water softeners with more frequent regeneration cycles so that the more frequent expansion and contraction of the ion exchange resin beads would shorten the life of the resin… I had a bad feeling in my stomach when I heard this… I lost respect for this man. softeners
This is why you need an honest water treatment independent on your side for your water projects… consultant
Rami Elias Kremesti M.Sc., CSci, CEnv, CWEM
Below are links to what we do and some of Kremesti Environmental Consulting’s technical specialised presentations, case studies and expert white papers:
Mission Statement | Services and Know-How | Sample Projects | CV | Cooling Water Treatment | Ozone In Water Treatment | Potable Water Treatment | Septicity and Odour Problems In Sewage Treatment | The Science of Water Treatment Chemicals | Water For Pharma | Water For Semiconductor Industry | Water Treatment, Chemistry and Environmental Engineering Presentations and Articles | Introduction to Reverse Osmosis | Boiler Water Treatment and Water – Steam Cycle Chemistry | Waste To Energy (EfW) | Landfill Leachate Waste Water Treatment | CCUS – Carbon Capture Use and Sequestration | Plastics Recycling Waste Water Treatment | Membrane Bio Reactors | Advanced Guide to RBC’s | Water and Waste Water Treatment for Oil and Gas Industry | Advanced Oxidation Processes | Anaerobic Digesters | Dyeing Waste Water Treatment | Microplastics: Global and Local Environmental Management Strategies | Swimming Pool Water Treatment | Water Treatment and Monitoring for Aquariums and Fisheries | Oil Water Separators | Legionella Management and Control | Environmental Infomercials | Package Sewage Treatment Plants | Water Management for LEED/BREEAM Credits | Contaminated Soil Remediation | The Water Treatment Portal | Tyre and Brake Pollution | Nuclear Power Science and Technology | Sulphuric Acid Safety | The Semiconductor Chip Manufacturing Process | Ballast Water Treatment | The Water Treatment Portal | Nutrient Neutrality |Technical Forensic Analysis | White Paper: RO Membrane Cleaning Chemicals and Best Practices | White Paper: Introduction to PFAS | Soil Bio Remediation | White Paper: Contaminants of Emerging Concern | White Paper: Where Is The Water Treatment Industry Heading? | Case Study: How to Quickly Lower Ammonia and COD in WWTW’s | White Paper: Structural Problems in Tech Companies | The Complete Water Treatment Course |